Team-Based Inquiry Learning

Open Resources and Research supporting Active Learning in Mathematics

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I feel like I naturally gained knowledge in the topic, but the structure of the course made it a lot easier to feel the gains and gain from others as well.

—Student survey response

Team-Based Learning (TBL) was first popularized for use in management and health sciences education. This highly active and structured pedagogy provides scaffolding that allows mathematics students to engage in Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL) in courses as early as precalculus.

We developed Team-Based Inquiry Learning (TBIL) to combine the scaffolding of TBL with the rich inquiry of IBL. This site includes several activity books, exercise banks, research findings, and more, made available to you as free and open-source resources for your classroom.

Learn more!

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Award #2011807. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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AY 2024-25 Opportunities for TBIL Fellows!

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